Questions about nitrate and colon cancer - Schweizer Bauer

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National Councillor Michael Töngi (Greens, LU) has submitted an interpellation entitled "The health risk of nitrate levels in drinking water". He refers to a study published by the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office in the Swiss Nutrition Report 2021. According to the data analyzed from Denmark and the USA, it cannot be ruled out that nitrate intake via drinking water poses a [...]

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Builder-owner podcast on the topic: Our Swiss drinking water, water filters and molecular hydrogen gas

In this podcast episode with Marco Fehr and Dr. h.c. Fabio Hüther deals with the following topics:

... how healthy bottled water really is,
... what PFAS contamination in Switzerland is all about,
... what distinguishes the EVOfilter from other water filters on the market,
... what hydrogen treatment is all about,
... and how you as a layperson can determine whether your water is contaminated.

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