Water softening without salt

Lime without salt: The answer to outdated softening systems with salt comes from Switzerland!

The only alternative to the usual softening system with salt, which also effectively removes limescale from the water. Water softening is therefore also sustainable without harming our environment.

Experience the power of Swiss engineering with EVODROP - your solution for limescale-free water. Our state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly technology offers efficient and scientifically proven descaling without salt. As a Swiss-made product, it is sustainable and patented, with an impressive limescale protection rate of up to 94.2%, confirmed by extensive research and undisputed test results.

What does "softening without salt" mean?

Softening without salt refers to innovative water treatment technologies that aim to solve the problems of limescale in water without resorting to salt-based systems. Limescale deposits resulting from hard water can not only damage household appliances and increase energy consumption, but also shorten the service life of pipes and fittings.


Challenges of calcareous water:


  • - Limescale stains on surfaces
  • - Calcification of household appliances
  • - Increased energy costs
  • - Shortened service life of devices


Evodrop stands for efficient limescale protection systems that help you to overcome all these problems without the use of salt.

Salt-free limescale protection systems - how do they work?

Limescale protection systems without salt, also known as physical water softeners, use alternative methods to prevent the formation of limescale deposits. In contrast to salt-based ion exchangers, which exchange calcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions, our systems work by:

Ion sieve technology (filtration)

The malic acid granulate in the cartridge binds the carbonate ions, i.e. the annoying limescale, whereby the limescale is filtered out of the water, unlike with inoculation crystals, swirlers or magentizers which only convert the limescale.

The advantage of our solution

The advantage of our solution is that all the water is treated and therefore 94% limescale can be filtered out of the water without compromising the taste of the water.


Malic acid is an organic component of many fruits, but is mainly found in apples. The technology has been registered for an international patent.


Unlike with seed crystals, swirlers or magnetizers, the limescale is not converted, but is instead eliminated from the water. The progress made by softening using malic acid makes it possible to leave the harmless minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, in the water. Obsolete softening systems using salt, on the other hand, cannot intelligently differentiate between useful minerals and troublesome limescale and are forced to remove both.


Malic acid is an organic component of apples. Malic acid is a

essential intermediate product in the energy production cycle of living organisms and plants. In this respect

it is completely neutral, tasteless and has been proven to have no negative effects on

the organism. On the contrary, studies indicate that, thanks to malic acid, the minerals

are now found in organic bonding.

After treatment, the water also tastes softer and more digestible, as is known from natural springs in which the water is constantly in motion. Tested and verified by independent institutes, it stimulates the basal cell metabolism and thus cell activity by 50% more than untreated tap water.

Check your water hardness now

Advantages of salt-free softening technology:

If you are faced with the choice of investing in a traditional water softening system that works with salt or a modern limescale protection system without salt, you should consider the following advantages of the salt-free alternative:

Preservation of minerals

Unlike salt-based softening systems, which remove limescale from the water using sodium, which increases the sodium content, salt-free limescale protection systems work according to a principle in which calcium and magnesium - vital minerals for the human organism - are retained in the water. The process of the salt-free systems only filters the annoying limescale, i.e. the carbonate ions, out of the water.

Easy to install

The installation of a conventional water softening system not only requires sufficient space for the system and the salt container itself, but also for a waste water connection. In contrast, salt-free limescale protection systems are characterized by their compact design, which means that they can often be installed directly on the drinking water pipe to save space and with minimal installation effort. Only certain models of this type of system may require a waste water connection.

Maintenance and costs

While salt-based softeners require regular maintenance and salt replenishment, salt-free versions often score points with a simple annual filter change, which can be carried out without tools. As the only maintenance is cartridge replacement, Evodrop offers significant savings in operating costs, as opposed to the ongoing costs of salt, electricity, waste water and maintenance of traditional systems. In addition, the entire system comes with a unique 20-year warranty.

Environmental friendliness

Salt-based water softeners need to be regenerated regularly, which increases water consumption through the use of sodium chloride solutions and produces additional waste water. Many salt-free limescale protection systems, on the other hand, operate without such a regeneration phase and therefore produce no additional waste water, which is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. The sodium chloride ends up in our groundwater and unnecessarily pollutes our environment.

The Evodrop solution also has the positive side effect of filtering out heavy metals, viruses and bacteria such as E. coli bacteria.

Get in touch with us now!

Descaling system without salt: Definition

Descaling systems - a term that has no legally protected definition. The terms decalcification system, water softening system or soft water system do not always immediately indicate the type of technology or product behind them. Some systems effectively reduce the amount of dissolved minerals and thus ensure softer water.

On the other hand, there are decalcification systems without salt, also known as limescale protection systems, which do not reduce the water hardness, but merely change the composition of the limescale components so that they form fewer deposits.

Why choose EVOdrop?

At EVOdrop, we offer you the best salt-free water softening systems on the market. With our focus on sustainability and efficiency, we guarantee you:


  • - A healthier home without limescale problems.
  • - Durable appliances with no hidden maintenance costs.
  •  -Expert advice and support in selecting the ideal system.


Discover Evodrop water softening without salt and protect your home efficiently against limescale.


Contact us today to find out more about our products and take the first step towards softer, limescale-free water.

Are water softeners effective without salt?


The effectiveness of limescale protection systems without the addition of salt is a subject of differing opinions in the scientific community. However, it is important to emphasize that the various technologies and processes available on the market can certainly provide their own specific proof of effectiveness. Over the years, some of these products have proven their effectiveness in studies.


Classic salt-based water softeners


Classic salt-based water softening systems, which are based on the ion exchange principle, are widely recognized by experts for their effectiveness. The reduction in water hardness achieved by these systems is measurable and can be verified using standard hardness measuring devices, for example. Nevertheless, a study carried out by the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water in 2003 (1) shows that certain types of limescale protection systems without salt have also proven their effectiveness. In particular, products based on electrochemical processes or heterogeneous catalysis can effectively reduce limescale deposits by forming seed crystals.


Systems with magnetic or electric fields


In the case of systems that work with magnetic or electric fields, however, it was established at the time of publication of the study in 2003 that only certain individual effects could be scientifically proven. There are still divergent views regarding the effectiveness of these types of systems. This ambiguity is also reflected in the assessments of electrogalvanic systems.


The question of whether salt-based or salt-free water softening systems are superior does not remain unanswered by us. Our system works salt-free and is superior to the other technologies. Although it is clear that salt-based softening systems can reduce water hardness and thus reduce limescale deposits, there are also limescale protection systems without salt that can be similarly effective. A critical aspect here is that salt-based systems have disadvantages such as an increased sodium content in the water and ongoing costs for maintenance and salt requirements.


With EVODROP's salt-free water softening technology, we have often proven that we offer the most effective water softening on the market, as the only solution that effectively removes limescale from the water in the same way as salt systems. As with salt systems, household appliances are also set to softer water. See for yourself in a personal consultation.

Water softening is a process that has been used for a long time to improve the quality and usability of water. As early as the 19th century, when industrialization took its course, methods were developed to reduce water hardness in order to meet the requirements of the technologies of the time.


One of the earliest methods is the soda-lime process. This was developed to counteract the challenges that hard water posed to steam engines. Steam engines were at the heart of the industrial revolution and were used for a wide variety of applications - from pumps in mines and textile machines to means of transportation such as ships and steam locomotives. Operating these machines with hard water resulted in limescale deposits, which impaired the efficiency and service life of the machines.


To prevent the formation of these deposits, hard water was treated using the soda-lime process. The addition of soda - chemically sodium carbonate - significantly reduced the overall hardness of the water. This predecessor of modern salt-based water softening systems used chemical reactions to neutralize the hardness formers.


With the further development of technology and a better understanding of water chemistry, ion exchange systems emerged. These use sodium chloride to remove calcium and magnesium ions, which are responsible for water hardness, from the water. However, the addition of salts led to an increase in the sodium content of the water, which was a particular concern for drinking water - an aspect that is taken into account in today's drinking water regulations, which set maximum levels for sodium. Did you know that salt systems were banned in Germany until 1989? In the USA, salt plants have been banned in most states in recent years due to environmental pollution.


Overcoming boundaries


In order to overcome the limitations of salt-based systems, alternative technologies known as limescale protection systems have been developed. These avoid the use of salt by using various physical and chemical mechanisms to prevent or reduce the formation of limescale deposits without significantly changing the mineral composition of the water.

Evodrop offers state-of-the-art technology through its innovation and sets new standards worldwide in descaling.

The solution is protected by 2 international patents.