Résultats de tests, études et certificats

Brevets internationaux

Our certificates affirm our uniqueness and protect our work.

Méthodes accréditées

The quality of our products is confirmed by the methods of research de pointe.

Institutions renommées

Nos effets positifs sont prouvés et attestés par diverses institutions.

La certification de sécurité la plus exigeante d'Europe pour les matériaux en contact avec les aliments.

Les systèmes ont été officiellement certifiés MOCA, ce qui confirme qu'aucune substance nocive ou germe n'est libérée dans l'eau.

La certification la plus éminente pour les aliments, les suppléments et les médicaments aux États-Unis.

La FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) a confirmé qu'aucune substance nocive n'est libérée dans l'eau par les systèmes Evodrop.

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La SSIGE (Société Suisse de l'Industrie du Gaz et des Eaux) controls the systems in the water sector.

All connections are standardized in accordance with the SSIGE directives and guarantee that the quality and safety correspond to the current state of the art.

ISO 9001 is the most popular quality management system in the world.

Evodrop satisfies and best applies the optimization of client requirements in its processes. This process has been tested and certified according to the ISO 9001 standard.

Le SRCMB (Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics) du professeur Ignatov.

An in-depth study has confirmed that Evodrop maximizes the conductivity and solubility of water, making it one of the best waters in the world.

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Dartsch Scientific est un institut de biologie cellulaire renommé en Allemagne.

It has been shown that after treatment, the water stimulates cellular metabolism at the base, which increases cellular concentration and activity by 50% compared to untreated water.

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Résultats de tests, études et certificats

Brevets internationaux

Our certificates affirm our uniqueness and protect our work.

Méthodes accréditées

The quality of our products is confirmed by the methods of research de pointe.

Institutions renommées

Nos effets positifs sont prouvés et attestés par diverses institutions.

Show certifications

Europe's largest safety certification for food contact materials.

The systems have been officially MOCA-certified, confirming that no harmful substances or germs are transferred in the water.

to the study

The most important certification for food, supplements and medicines in the USA.

The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) has confirmed that no harmful substances are released into the water by the Evodrop systems.

to the study

The SVGW (Swiss Gas and Water Industry Association) tests systems in the water sector.

All connections are standardized in accordance with SVGW specifications and ensure that the quality and safety correspond to the current state of the art.

to the study

ISO 9001 is the world's most popular management system for quality management.

Evodrop meets and implements the optimization of customer requirements in its processes in the best possible way. This has been tested and certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

to the study

SRCMB (Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics) of Dr. Prof. Ignatov.

A comprehensive study has confirmed that Evodrop maximizes the conductivity and solubility of the water, making it demonstrably one of the best waters in the world.

to the study

Dartsch Scientific is a renowned institute for cell biology in Germany.

It has been proven that the water stimulates the basal cell metabolism after treatment and thus increases cell penetration and activity by 50% compared to untreated water.

to the study

La certification de sécurité la plus exigeante d'Europe pour les matériaux en contact avec les aliments.

Les systèmes ont été officiellement certifiés MOCA, ce qui confirme qu'aucune substance nocive ou germe n'est libérée dans l'eau.

La certification la plus éminente pour les aliments, les suppléments et les médicaments aux États-Unis.

La FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) a confirmé qu'aucune substance nocive n'est libérée dans l'eau par les systèmes Evodrop.

Consulter l'étude

La SSIGE (Société Suisse de l'Industrie du Gaz et des Eaux) controls the systems in the water sector.

All connections are standardized in accordance with the SSIGE directives and guarantee that the quality and safety correspond to the current state of the art.

ISO 9001 is the most popular quality management system in the world.

Evodrop satisfies and best applies the optimization of client requirements in its processes. This process has been tested and certified according to the ISO 9001 standard.

Le SRCMB (Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics) du professeur Ignatov.

An in-depth study has confirmed that Evodrop maximizes the conductivity and solubility of water, making it one of the best waters in the world.

Consulter l'étude

Dartsch Scientific est un institut de biologie cellulaire renommé en Allemagne.

It has been shown that after treatment, the water stimulates cellular metabolism at the base, which increases cellular concentration and activity by 50% compared to untreated water.

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